March 18, 2006

My First Sale!

Heh! Recently I sold through ebay, a candle I'd made at home. Here's how this came about: I got a call from ebay soon after signing up for a free account, asking if I'd like to go through a short course on how to sell on ebay. Why not? I thought and signed on. As part of the instruction, I needed to put up something for sale (I took the 'Auction' option) so I chose to write about a candle I hadn't yet made. One week later, when the auction date was up, I got a message informing me that my candle had sold! Even though I got just one bid, it was quite a thrill, cause my candle must have been listed on the 7-8 page for 'scented candles'. So ebay works for everybody! Anyone reading this, I suggest you give selling on ebay a try. Who knows? Soon you may be running a full-scale business. Three cheers to ebay!


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