April 03, 2006

Prayer for the Work place

This prayer was written by my friend Kenneth Fernandes. It's an amazing prayer—straight from the heart! I encourage you to read it, save it and use it again and again. God bless!

My Heavenly Father, as I enter this work place, I bring Your presence with me. I seek Your peace, Your grace, Your mercy and Your perfect order into this office. I acknowledge Your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decidedand done within these walls.

Lord, I thank You for the gifts You have blessed me with. I commit to using them responsibly in Your honour, give me a fresh supply of strength to do my job. Annoint my projects, ideas and energy so that even my smallest accomplishments may bring You glory.

Lord, when I am confused, guide me.When I am weary, energize me. When I am burned out, infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirit. May the work that I do and the way I do it bring faith, joy and a smile to all that I come in contact with today.

And Oh Lord, when I leave this place, give me travelling mercy. Bless my family and home to be in order as I left it. Lord I thank You for everything You've done, everything You're doing, and everything You're going to do.

In the mighty Name of Jesus I pray, with love and thanksgiving....


At 12:28 pm, Blogger Neeta said...

A very noble prayer, which many of us could do with :)

At 8:32 am, Blogger glenn said...

nice prayer.. just the last part "Bless my family and home to be - IN ORDER AS I LEFT IT"
Im sure kenneth don't live alone. He'd change the lines a bit !!
My apartment's not really well organised & I havent made my bed. "Bless my family and home to be in a much better order than i left it."

nice work kenneth !!

At 9:08 am, Blogger glenn said...

why arent you updating your blog.. i keep coming back to read more but..

At 8:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thts my bro ladies and gentlemen!!!! isnt he the wisest,most spiritual, deep guy uve ever met!!

At 3:25 pm, Blogger Dewaker Basnet said...


At 6:42 am, Blogger Cecilia said...

Good one..nice to see you bloggin too:)

At 7:10 pm, Anonymous Tendani said...



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